Many of us have seen either wristbands, key chains, or pin
buttons, with the following message: “WWJD”, or “What Wound Jesus Do”. Many
people wear this as a fashion, or as an identification trinket of sorts. However, in many cases, that is the extent of
their faith in Jesus, very shallow as many others who wear a cross around their
neck. They seemingly hold the trinket with more regard, as more of a
superstitious phylactery, than the One whom the trinket represents. Consequently, their only consolation, is in
the fact that the name of Jesus (or associated symbol) associated is on
display, and little more beyond that. In their minds that is standing up for
Jesus, but if we were to stand up for anyone else, such as a family member,
would that be our approach to standing up for them, wearing a trinket displaying
their name?
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Dr.Thomas.V.Thomas |
Above Bible verse clearly sets biblical standards for our
lives. There are many people who would argue, that it is very hard, or plainly
“not possible” in today’sworld. John 14:26 says, “But the Comforter, which is
Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all
things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto
you.” If we attribute this direction to the prompting of Holy sprit’s guidance,
then we are greatly mistaken. 1 Thessalonians 4:7, “For God hath not called us
unto uncleanness but unto holiness.”Upon guidance from these verses, how can we simply accept
the premise of having a license to be like all others? As Christians, we
realize that we are a minority when it comes to daily encounters of multitudes
of people in our daily life. When a person “raises the flag”identifying their
self as a Christian, we are sending a message to those around us by our words
and actions, that message is either telling a tale that being Christ-like is
something we take seriously, and important, or is not so much. What kind of
message are we sending out when we allow ourselves to say or do things which
are contradictory to common knowledge of right and wrong? Let us take for
example typical Sunday worship. Many people don’t give much importance to it
anymore, and often skip out when it is inconvenient without any great degree of
guilt or shame. Many people simply consider Sunday more no different than any
other day. We traditionally, in many places are expected to attend worship services
of our Lord with fellow Christians on Sunday, more than any other day. Unless
we have an emergency situation, or an unavoidable circumstance, we have no
substantive reason for not attending Sunday church services. Let the world
laugh, but we must remember the common accepted significance of attending worship
services Sundays, but not limited to Sundays.
Our attire should be different anddecent, as opposed to our
common attire, we wear for common place activities, because it is a special
day, and a special activity when we come to the house of the Lord. The Bible
says clearly, that men were not to wear garments that pertained to woman, and
vice versa, because, God considered it to be an abomination. We may have lot of
excuses, and lean much on our own reasoning, but we must remember that we
belong to a “Holy Family” and must keep up with holy standards to bring glory,
and not shame to our Lord. Let everything be done in decency and dignity.
People may varying opinions and are prone to arguing and fight over teachings
such as this, but as a loyal and committed soldier of JESUS, we should follow and
uphold these standards set for us.Among so many things most Christians fail in regard to
fleshly lusts. Unfortunately many people think of it in regards to sex only,
for we can be guiltyin lusting over a lot of worldly pleasures as well. We must
be careful to not gratify our bodily needs and wants, which as a result take us
away from God, towards a life of greater selfishness, and absorbed in a fleshly
driven life. We ought to enjoy life, but not to the extent where it should
distract us from Biblical standards. We must ask this question:“WHAT WOULD
JESUS DO” in a particular situation. Would He really waste money in drinking
alcohol, or other behaviors which are detrimental in nature in order to have a
“good time?” Would He waste his substance (money) in buying material
possessions to satisfy carnal lusts? Would he allow His sexual lusts to control
Him, and bring shame to His Father, or would He control His lusts, in order to
bring glory to His Father, no matter what such lusts might be? Would He abuse or
take advantage of innocent people to maintain His reputation? If the answer is
no, why would we accept it when one of His professing followers is guilty of such
things? Is sexual satisfaction the only aim worthy of our pursuit in this life?
When Christ professing people speak lies, in order to manipulate
others to get what they want, tolerate it, accept it, or reject it, because
Christ did not, nor would do such a vile thing. If the Bible is truly our guide,
then we understand that God expects us to be honest in what we do and say. We
may be denied certain gains and satisfactions, in the short term, but God will
reward us in His own time according to our faithfulness. There may be some job
opportunities of which we may have to just say “NO” because we realize it could
lead into compromising our biblical standard. What are we going to do in a job
everyone takes bribe, and claiming to be a Christian (Christ-like), it is a lie
of which we are telling ourselves? Being a true Christian may at times require
us to leave a job that requires a compromising God’s word, and standing alone
may become very hard. There is limit to our strength in such situations. This
does not mean that we must run from world, but to acknowledge Him in all of our
ways, and He will direct our paths.If we make a stand for JESUS, He will help and reward us in
due time. We must be willing to do anything and everything that God would have
us to do, as Christians, even if it requires sacrifices. The way to heaven is narrow way, but way to
hell is wide open. Let us not forget the reality that we live in a world where
of sin, that led Cain to kill Abel, his only brother. Even now, we are told,
that the whole creation is waiting for redemption, from the sinful state that
it is currently in. As we wait for our savior to return in glory, let us live
for Him, and oppose the popular tendency of compromising on biblical standards.
Is living as Christian is easy? At times yes, for His commandments are not
grievous, and it is the way of the transgressor that is hard. But, is it
possible? That answer is yes, it is very possible, for through Christ we can do
all things. Let the worldly people do what they want, but let us live as Holy
and separated people, as pilgrims passing through this world. A world which
rejected Jesus, our Master long ago and now will reject those who stand for Him
too. May He continue t0o give you grace to live as true Christians in such a world.