Our Talents Should Useful For Our Creator

            Our God Is A Great Designer.He Created us In His Own Image."So God Created man In His Own Image;in the image of God He created Him.....(Gen 1:27)
           So The God Is A Great Creator.He Created Man By Giving Various Talents to Him Like Singing,
Writing,Painting etc.This Is Seen as a Parable in The Gospel of Mathew This Parable Is Said By Our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ..
              But This Talents is Not Same For everyone its Given To Each Person In Different Levels.Some Has Got Many Talents Some Has Less.Like This........
              But Onething Is That Each Got One Talent.No One Have Born Without any Talents.Its a Gift Of Our God To Us.But Now We Should Remember That our Talents Should Usefull For Our Creator.For His Glory &
We Should dedicate Our Talents For The Extension Of His Mighty Kingdom.It Is the wish Of Our Creator lord Jesus Christ Our Saviour.
            So My Dear Friend,
                       You Have So Many Talents.But For Whom you Are Using That.Lord Created You and He Desire To Get Your Glory By Your Talents that He Had Given to You.So Please You Should Dedicate Yourself To Him He is Waiting For You.So Dedicate Yourself and Your talents For him He Will Bless you And Rescue you From the Great Sins You Have done.
                               So May God Bless You To Become Like This!!