To Be Saved

To Be Saved

acts 16:31
     The Lord Jesus Christ Died For You.He Loves You.Because He is the Creator of You.He Loves His Creation.God Has done His part Now you should do Your Part its your Duty.
        First of all You Should Believe.In The Name of Lord Jesus Christ.Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.and You will be saved (acts 16:31).This is the Commandment of Jesus.You Should Believe in the Christ.and Believe that He Died for you,He Crucified   for Your sin.He Died for Me Were I want to Die.Because the Wages of sin In Death.So we all are Sinners but in the Calvary He Defeated all the Powers of Satan and Rescued us from the Death.So You Should Apologize Yours sin to the Lord and Dedicate yourself to Him.and Believe Him as the Lord and the Saviour of you.Also Convay him that the Jesus Is The lord.Dedicate yourself and All your Wealth,Health,Beauty etc all to Him.Then you Will Be Saved.So  there is a Easy way to Remember this.
                         A = Apologize
                         B = Believe
                         C = Convey
                         D = Dedicate
              Then You will be Saved.This is Your Duty.If you Do Like This he Will Comes to Your Heart and and Fill You In His Holy Spirit.This Is the Promise of God.He Will Not Forgot It.Also If you Achieve the Peace of God and take him as your Guide in Your Life.He Will Fill You With his Everlasting Peace,Joy,& Happy.So If You Achieve This Heavenly Peace.You Should Share & Preach This Gospel With The unknowns.To  Share This Good News You can use Different Medias Like Booklet,Multimedia Expo's,film Shows,Internet Sources Like Blog.These all are a Nice Medias to Share This Word Of God.If You can Get one Person to God Your Name Will Be Highlighted in The Heaven its also The Promise of God.

 Dear Friend,
       Jesus Died For You Will you Live For Him,Please Apologize,Believe,Convey,Dedicate Yourself to Him He Will Bless You Surely.If You Not Believe Him Surely Your Life Will Be a Failure.
Because a Life without the Jesus Is waste.It Have No Validity,No Quality.But The Life With the Jesus Is Highlighted Life and a Success Life.....Don't Forgot It.............Because He Done a Great Salvation for You............................
