Jesus Christ

                                                        Jesus Christ
            Long 2000 years ago The Mighty God who is Created the World and the Human Being become a man and comes to the Earth He is Jesus Christ.He Borned as the King of Jews.but His Birth was not a Royal Birth.Jesus Need a Mother to Born In Earth.So The Mary Become the Mother of Jesus and Father Joseph.He Was a Carpenter.Later Jesus also become as a carpenter till his age of maturity.
        The Birth of Jesus in the Earth is Predicted in years and years ago by the Prophets who were Blessed By The God.Jesus will Borned as a Jude and in Genealogy  of King David.These factors all are Prdicted by the Prophet of the God,prophet Isaiah.
         God Has Created the Man In his Own Image.and He created a Beautiful World For that time Man have a Great Intimacy With God.
 but Later The Man Fall In The Trap of Satan."Satan" have a Long Story.In The Beginning God had Created the Heaven and the Earth (gen 1:1).In the Heaven God Created Many Angels to Worship Him.Among them There is a Beautiful Angel Called Lusifer.He Is Most Beautiful among them and in the beauty of Himself he Become More jealous.and He Desired to Become Like The God.but The God Punished him and Leave Him to the Hell.Later He Become the Satan.this the Short Story of the Satan.

           And after the Sin of Man Later Genealogy all borned as Sinners.And the God Become Sad in His Creature.or Unsatisfied in his Creation.So He Has Decided To Rescue the Human From There Sins.and He Gave His Son Jesus Christ To Die for the Sin They Had Done.and The Jesus Comes to the Earth as a  Man.He Is the Lord Jesus Christ.
          In The Earth Jesus Borned in a Manger at Bethlehem.The Jews are Waiting For There Messiah.But They can't Realise The Messiah Jesus.So Still Now they are Waiting for there Messiah.But the Jesus is The Real Messiah.but in That Period The jews Didnot Accept the Jesus as there Messiah.and The Jesus Born at Earth.The biblical Scientist Says That the Birth of Jesus Is In Dec 25th.What Still now We All Are Celebrating the Birth of Jesus as Christmas.
Map Of Nazareth
         Jesus Borned in Bethlehem.but His Childhood is in Nazareth.In The History of Nazareth its a Losted Place That Means Its a Useless Region in Galilee.So From this We can Understand That Jesus Selected a Losted Place to Birth a Manger.Losted Place as Childhood Nazareth and Finally He Selected the Losted Human as His Children.its The Speciality of Jesus,its the Love of Jesus.Love Of God.
                        Jesus Lives In Nazareth still His Mature age by Helping His Parents Mary & Joseph.He Did the Carpenter job Also.and After His Mature age he Started His Minitries.he Started To Preech about the eternal Life and Do Many Miracles who are in need.and in his 33&half age he Died In Calvary.Its the Decision of God to Rescue or To Redeem the Human Who Falls into the Sin.Bible Says."For The WAGES of SIN is DEATH" (Rom 6:23).So Jesus Takes the Wage Of Sin From us.He died In The Calvary Where we Want To Die.and in the Calvary He Defeated the Satan and Redeemed The Human Rescued us From the Sin.And this The Real Love of Jesus.

   And Also After The 3rd Day Of Death he Resurrected from the Death.He Done This to Prove That He Willnot Lose Under The Death.
After resurrection He Returns To the Heaven.Still Now He Appeals For Us.He Is Jesus Christ The Lord Jesus Christ The Son Of God.He Avoided all the heavenly Things & Comes to the Earth Losted as a Losted.

                          In The Losted Manger He Borns,In The losted Nazareth He Grown and Finally he Redeemed The Losted Human and Takes them as His Children........
         Dear Friend,      
                      HE DIED NOT ONLY FOR ME.....
                      HE DIED FOR YOU ALSO............
                      HE DIED WHERE YOU SHOULD DIE....
          Still Now Jesus Lives For You.........
  1. The Movie Of Jesus Christ Passion Of The Christ.....

