A New World Order:Today Is Yesterdays Tommorow

         A documentary by LYLE FONSO.We are living in a time where information is everywhere, & yet very few researchers connect all the dots which lead to the top of the hierarchical pyramidal structure of people & powers who are bringing about the New World Order.

        A New World Order: Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow is a documentary which connects the dots & exposes the groups, people & powers involved in bringing about the New World Order & who exactly the real people & controlling power from behind the scenes is which is all too often overlooked or left out of the equation altogether.

This documentry also shows who the problem children are and what their plans are for those who do not go along with their agenda.

For more information & other documentary's please see links below:

3.BABYLON MYSTERY RELIGION - http://www.babylonmysteryreligion.com/

          For more information & study on Secret Societies, Religion, Theosophy, Hidden Agendas, the United Nations & their occult agenda & ties with Theosophy, the New World Order, the New Age Movement, Spiritualism, History & Bible prophecy, politics & the world leaders involved, please click on the link below to see lectures on all these subjects & more.

Or more in-depth:

          Part of the point i'm making & that was made in the video was that the Zeitgeist movement, whether people want to accept it or not, is based upon occultism & New Age religion & is linked to the NWO through it's involvement in SPIRITUALISM & THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT, & the secret societies & the people involved in them also practice the same things.Please take a look at this Zeitgeist Movement website to see what I mean about it's involvement in 


THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT: PENNSYLVANIA STATE CHAPTERhttp://zeitgeistmovementpa.ning.com/video/chakra-meditation-balancing

Peter Joseph practices induced meditation through the music he plays.

"I look at music now, as a form of meditation"

        Peter also explains that his love of music is geared towards percussion, drums & rhythm, which when performed in a certain way, can all have an effect upon the mind in such a way as to open it in meditation, for communication with the spiritual realm. The practice of these things is an invitation to spiritual entities to influence a persons mind with whatever they want. These practices are occult & once the invitation by the person doing these things has been made, their life is open to spiritual influence & possession.

       He spoke about this himself in a video interview which you can find on youtube or watch here.

4.WHO IS PETER JOSEPH?  http://www.whoispeterjoseph.com/

       This practice of meditation is inseparably linked to spiritualism; which is the basis for the New Age religion.
These meditative states, which as I have said before, allow for communication with spirits who claim to be helpers in leading humanity to a higher state of consciousness.Therefore, how much of a free thinker is he & anyone else that practices these things really?

        The sources for the information which Peter Joseph has used all stem from the highest occult source: Helena Patrovna Blavatsky, who was the founder of THEOSOPHY and she has stated clearly in her writings that her god is LUCIFER. Quotes of what she has said are in the video.

Alice A. Bailey was a later leader of Theosophy & with her husband founded LUCIFER TRUST or LUCIFER PUBLISHING COMPANY which was later called LUCIS TRUST, because of all the criticism they received.

The writings of Alice A. Bailey are largely channelled writings from a entity she called 'Djwhal Khul'.
The NGO(Non Governmental Organisation) which Alice A. Bailey set up within the UNITED NATIONS is called WORLD GOODWILL & has a lot of influence within that WORLD GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION (UNITED NATIONS) & Alice A. Bailey's writings are used by another group within the U.N. which is called UNESCO.
Peter Joseph showed that UNESCO was one of his sources of information he used for the Zeitgeist film.
All of the evidence of this is provided in the video.

         Also H. P. Blavatsky & her husband were high 32nd & 33rd degree masons as was Alice A. Bailey's husband.As stated by ALBERT PIKE, founder of the KKK (KU KLUX KLAN) & high 33rd degree mason in his book MORALS & DOGMA:

"LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not!"