The JUST shall live by Faith.....

      Prophet Habakkuk was contemporary of Prophets Daniel and Jeremiah who lived around 612-588 BC. He lived at a time when Judea was immersed in violence, Sexual Immorality, and Neglect of God's Commandments. Naturally He was distressed and restless. He complained to God. God answered him with a forceful statement "the Just shall Live by Faith" (Habakkuk 2:4). Ever since man disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, humanity is not free from violence, Immorality and arrogance. Dishonouring God and His commandments is the beginning of destruction. When God says something more than once means it is a very serious thing. This verse is repeated three more times in the New testament; though they are stated in different contexts. They are Romans 1:17, "the just shall live by faith." This verse is stated in connection with the Power of the Gospel. Galatians 3:11 tells the same, "the just shall live by faith." This verse is told in connection with salvation which is gained not by the observance of law but by the Faith in Christ Jesus. Thirdly Heb 12:38 tells the same "the just shall live by faith". This is stated in connection with second coming of Christ. For in just a very little while. " He who is coming will come and will not delay" (Heb 10:37)

No Doubt, The World situation is deplorable. but remember God is sovereign and He is in Control of world affairs. Be assured that God answers the prayer of the righteous man.