The New Variety Of Yoga Invented The Christ Consciousness

                           The Christ Consciousness is the name we give to the spiritual realm from which we spring. In a manner of speaking, it is the invisible framework in which all consciousness resides, - all consciousness of every being who has ever lived or will ever live.
              A conscious experience of this Source awakens within us the most joyous and fulfilling possibilities for our own evolutionary development, as well as those of every other person.
              The infinite intelligence within the realm of the Christ Consciousness puts you instantly in contact with whatever you need to know, and opens the necessary mental circuits between you and any others whose participation will be required in order for you to achieve your goals.
                     All of this is done with a blinding speed that would put a computer to shame, but instead of computing these circuits in an impersonal manner, it is done with a loving intent that holds your best purposes in mind as well as those of every other individual.
The invisible realm from which we spring is one of absolute safety and unconditional love. The more you experience this enlightened state of consciousness, the more aware you will become of the divinity of your own being, as well as that of everyone else.
               The easiest way to enter the Christ Consciousness is by achieving a state of relaxation combined with a heightened awareness and appreciation of your mental processes. This is most easily done through the use of a binaural recording that processes the higher beta frequencies.
The following is an excellent clearing exercise that, if practiced regularly, will allow your aware entry into the Christ Consciousness. It may seem difficult at first, but over a short period of time, it will become quite easy.

1.Step 1
                Sit comfortably but in an upright position. With your eyes open, become as fully aware as possible of everything around you, not only that you see, but sounds that you hear, even the ticking of a clock, and the feeling of material against your skin.
2.Step 2
                Raise your eyes to a 45-degree angle, and close your eyelids. Now, mentally go over the events of your life that you consider most significant.
Begin to trace those events to the thoughts and imaginings, or daydreams, that brought them into being. Go as deeply as you can to find these Source thoughts.
3.Step 3
                  Allow the emotion of love to well up inside you for these thoughts; even the ones that had negative consequences. Repeat over and over, "I send you love." Every time you arrive at another thought or image, whether you see it as negative or positive, do the same. Imagine those thoughts, which were the source of your experiences, surrounded by the healing Light and Love of the Christ Consciousness.
When you feel you have done all you can for this one session, finish it by allowing the healing Light and Love of the Christ Consciousness to permeate your entire being.