The Legal System of The World Is Going To Change

              The system Of the World is Going to Change Overall.The Presidents of the Mega Countries decided to create a New Legal System.Its Named as New World Order.In This Law There will Be a Main controller for the World He Is Called as New World Ruler.and He Will Have The Complete Control of The World.
1.ORDER THEORY :- The World Will be controlled by a Head.He is the ruler of the World.The Theory of this order is that the Population of The World is increasing Day to day.So the Life of The people Get More Faster and Faster.But the Legal Process can't get faster Like This.So the Peacefulness and the Financial Issues are Becoming More Damaged and Facing More Crisis.This Condition of the World Lead This Presidents To Create a New World order.This is the Reason To The New World Order.

2.WORLD RULER :- This Man Will Be Selected From The People itself.To become This,That Man Should Need Some Qualities.This Qualities are Arranged  By the Creators of This New World Order.The Qualities are That Man Should Have a Good Leadership,He Should Take Decisions Very Quickly,Don't Afraid In The Crisis,Face The Problems With Courage etc..Also This Ruler Will Be Selected Among from The Presidents Of This Countries in The World.

3.NEW WORLD ORDER :- This System Is a New Invention of The World Famous Political philosophers.They Decided to Create a New System or a legal System for all over the World.This Aims The World's Fastness.When This Order Become Practical The Presidents and the Whole Current Rulers Will Be Take off and The Representatives of this Organisation will Be Appointed to each Country and they will Control the Country.

4.ADVANTAGES OF THE ORDER :- They Predicting that When This Order Comes Here The Life of the People Become More Satisfied.and They Can Live In 4th Generation style.Fast Life,Quick Job,Speed Work These are The Aims of The New World Order.Approximately After 2020 this Order Will Be Sanctioned.
 5.REAL FACE OF ORDER:- This Order Is Really The Period Of The Anti-Christ What the Bible says.The Prophets of the Bible Predicted This Long 2000 years Ago.They Predicted That In The Last Periods The Countries will United and select a Man.He Will Control the Whole World.That Man Is the ANTI-CHRIST.Now This Prediction Becoming to Success.They Named  This Period as New World Order,and the Anti-Christ as New World Ruler.When This Rule arrives the Bible Says that The Believers of Jesus Will Goes to Heaven.We All are Waiting for the arrival of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. 
            So My Friend Be Aware!!He Is Coming Soon.......The Cruel New World Ruler.