Nothing Is Impossible When Our Thinkings Are Possible

        Yes,Nothing Is Impossible When Our Thinking Is Possible.Humans is The Only Creation Of God with Ability to Think.The Secret of  Inventions & Ideas of Human are Birthing from Thinking.Yes,The Motto Of Hyundai "New Thinking New Possibilities".Thinking Leads to New Ideas or New Possibilities.The English Famous Poet,German Dramatist & the Influential Literacy of 20th Century.The Bertolt Brenht.His One Of The Famous short Poem the "General,Your Tank Is a Powerful Vehicle".In that Poem There is a Lines In This Occasion I am Remembering Those Lines.
     "General,Man Is Very Useful  
       He Can Fly,He Can Kill
       But He Has One Defect
       He Can Think"
     In this Beautiful Lines The Poet Is Telling To General that the Man Is Very UsefulIn His War.He Can Fly Through The Invention Of His Helicopter.He Can Kill.But He Has One Defect He Can Think.Yes He Is Correct.the Man Is Essential Factror in the War.if There Is No Soldiers the Country Will Fail In The War.So He Can Kill,He Can Fly.but His Defect Is He Can.Its Means that when the soldiers thinking that all are Humans when I Kill Anyone Its a sin for Me.So I Willnot Kill anyone.If He Think like That then how He will fight.Yes its the Matter the Man can Think.the Thinking ability of man is controlling his Life Activities.What to do?,What not to do?,Where to go?,?Where Should Not Go? all these are controlling by the thinking ability of Man.

The Significant Of Courage an Inspirational Moment By a Columbian Goally

                This Video have a Great History.Because the Goally Higuita in This Video Is a Columbian.In the History Of Columbians They are a Crual Football Fans.Because In The Older One Day One Player Cause a Self Goal From His Carelessness Kick.Due To This When He Came back to Columbia The Football Fans of The Country Shooted Him Before He Landed His Foot On Their Country.This Is The Power of The Fans in His Country.But Now See This he Saved a Goal in The Style Of Scorpion.If He Missed That Ball He Will Surely Died When He Returns His Country.But Only By His Courage He Done His unnatural Saving.This Type of Saving Is The First In The History of Football Later Many Tryed to Imitate Him But some Failed.So This Type of Inspirational Humans in The Current World We Should...
                              Observe Them....Study Them....Imitate Them  

Not only The Man Animals Also Using the Medicines,The Natural Drugs

                  We humans think we're so smart. We invented penicillin. We used to go to the moon. Sure, animals are good for a laugh or two, but if one of them gets sick, who's going to take care of it? Either it's some sympathetic human or nobody. It's not like animals have doctors and medicine.Well ... that's half right.

.Chimps Use Parasite Flushers
                               We hate to be the ones to bring this up, but you know you could have parasitic worms writhing inside you right now, right? Hopefully you washed your hands after you went to the bathroom and cooked your food thoroughly and didn't drink stagnant puddle water. But every now and then, those suckers will slip through -- right into your insides.
Put down whatever you were eating 
            Which leads you to wonder how apes and chimps deal with them it's not like there's a Purell plant out there, and it's pretty rare that you see jungle animals in an apron and flip-flops grilling up their steaks for safety's sake (although ... can you imagine?). And as brilliant as chimpanzees are, it's not like they've got culinary schools set up to tackle the dangers of invisible-to-the-naked-eye parasites. Do they?

The New Variety Of Yoga Invented The Christ Consciousness

                           The Christ Consciousness is the name we give to the spiritual realm from which we spring. In a manner of speaking, it is the invisible framework in which all consciousness resides, - all consciousness of every being who has ever lived or will ever live.
              A conscious experience of this Source awakens within us the most joyous and fulfilling possibilities for our own evolutionary development, as well as those of every other person.
              The infinite intelligence within the realm of the Christ Consciousness puts you instantly in contact with whatever you need to know, and opens the necessary mental circuits between you and any others whose participation will be required in order for you to achieve your goals.
                     All of this is done with a blinding speed that would put a computer to shame, but instead of computing these circuits in an impersonal manner, it is done with a loving intent that holds your best purposes in mind as well as those of every other individual.
The invisible realm from which we spring is one of absolute safety and unconditional love. The more you experience this enlightened state of consciousness, the more aware you will become of the divinity of your own being, as well as that of everyone else.

The Legal System of The World Is Going To Change

              The system Of the World is Going to Change Overall.The Presidents of the Mega Countries decided to create a New Legal System.Its Named as New World Order.In This Law There will Be a Main controller for the World He Is Called as New World Ruler.and He Will Have The Complete Control of The World.
1.ORDER THEORY :- The World Will be controlled by a Head.He is the ruler of the World.The Theory of this order is that the Population of The World is increasing Day to day.So the Life of The people Get More Faster and Faster.But the Legal Process can't get faster Like This.So the Peacefulness and the Financial Issues are Becoming More Damaged and Facing More Crisis.This Condition of the World Lead This Presidents To Create a New World order.This is the Reason To The New World Order.

2.WORLD RULER :- This Man Will Be Selected From The People itself.To become This,That Man Should Need Some Qualities.This Qualities are Arranged  By the Creators of This New World Order.The Qualities are That Man Should Have a Good Leadership,He Should Take Decisions Very Quickly,Don't Afraid In The Crisis,Face The Problems With Courage etc..Also This Ruler Will Be Selected Among from The Presidents Of This Countries in The World.

The Journeys of The Human Going To Change Into Atom Transportation