"My Life In The Stormy Seas":James Vincent with Dr.Thomas V.Thomas

English Version!!

A true life experience of a man who lived with a chronically mentally ill wife !!

  A case study on stigma, ignorance stereo types of mental illness and
how it can affect several lives

6 Ideas for Teaching Kids About Sin

          Most of these are not original to me, but I have used them for so long. I have no idea where they originally came from. Many of these ideas come from our Sunday morning small group curriculum that we use at Westwood that was written by our team.

1.Slimy Sin:  

          This is super messy, but really drives home the idea that sin is disgusting.  We had a volunteer stand in a baby pool and poured a bucket of slime over their head.  Definitely an attention getter with the kids!  We made the slime out of large cans of vanilla pudding and green food coloring.  We talk about how no one really wants to hang out with that volunteer, and how God can’t hang out with us because sin makes us that disgusting on the inside.

Are You Ashamed to stand for Jesus?

     Many of us have seen either wristbands, key chains, or pin buttons, with the following message: “WWJD”, or “What Wound Jesus Do”. Many people wear this as a fashion, or as an identification trinket of sorts.  However, in many cases, that is the extent of their faith in Jesus, very shallow as many others who wear a cross around their neck. They seemingly hold the trinket with more regard, as more of a superstitious phylactery, than the One whom the trinket represents.  Consequently, their only consolation, is in the fact that the name of Jesus (or associated symbol) associated is on display, and little more beyond that. In their minds that is standing up for Jesus, but if we were to stand up for anyone else, such as a family member, would that be our approach to standing up for them, wearing a trinket displaying their name?

Grief-What is it? How to face it?

                      The Dictionary defines it as: Keen mental suffering, or distress over affliction or a loss: sharp sorrow; painful regret.Grief is an instinctively, healthy human response to tragic events that take place to varying degrees in the lives of everyone. Often times, most would agree that the greatest loss a person can experience is the loss of a loved one. Many would equate a painful separation or divorce as in many ways being equal  or perhaps even greater than the death of a loved one in light of the associated drama that is likely to surround it, and drawn out, with the perpetual grief that continues to follow. Grief is can obviously be a very painful experience, however as most situations in life, the pain does subside through the healing power of time. For some people it may last a very long time with many associated “up and down” moments. The closer the bind that we have with a person, the greater and deeper, and the wound will be when that person is torn from our lives, which will naturally impact our degree of our grieving, and healing process as well. Those of who we aren’t so close to, perhaps such as a public figure or someone of whom we did not have a very favorable relationship, this process may be at a minimum.  However, it is those closest in our lives, by which we will suffer the most, when they are gone. Any separation, permanent, or long term can have just as equal of a negative impact, be it through death or divorce/separation.

Importance of positive thinking: There Is Still Hope

        Many of our failures have the ability to sweep us to greater heights of success, even higher than we ever hoped for in our wildest dreams. Life in many regards is simply a successive unfolding of successes from failures. In discovering America, Christopher Columbus even experienced some absolute failures. His ingenious reasoning and experiments led him to believe, that by sailing westward he would eventually reach India. Consequently every Native American carries the name “Indian,” as the perpetuation of the memory, of this failure by Columbus. The Genoese navigator obviously did not reach India as calculated; so the cargo of “human souvenirs” he took back to Spain to show to Ferdinand and Isabella as proofs of his success, really attested his failure. Yet the discovery of America, wound up becoming a far greater success than any possible finding of a “back-door “to India could ever have been.Another great example of great failures redounding to successes would be in the life of David Livingstone. He was a man who supplemented his theological education by completing a medical education course before heading into the missionary field. For over three years he studied tirelessly. With all energies concentrated with one aim; to spread gospel in China. The hour finally arrived when he was ready to embark enthusiastically for his noble chosen work. He had a mindset, to give his life unselfishly and relentlessly for such an ambition.  Then word came from China that the current “opium war,” would make it folly to even attempt to enter this country. However, disappointment and this setback, did not long daunt him. He instead offered himself as missionary to Africa—and he was accepted. His glorious failure to reach China opened a whole continent to light and truth. His study proved an ideal preparation for his labors as physician, explorer, teacher and evangel in the wilds of Africa, [The Trumpet]



We all want our life to be successful in every day. Some of the best-selling books are based on how to succeed in life. You won’t find a book on how to become a failure, because we already know how to do it. No one looks for failures, but contrariwise we desire more so, to tell others of great successes, and the good fortunes we have in this life. However, when we are faced with unanticipated failures, we become vulnerable from mere, disappointment, to degress into deep sadness, and possibly depression. We have a natural tendency to look to others, and even ourselves to blame, for each failure we experience. The bottom line is that we take pride in making something out of our lives, and that sense of accomplishment, which we can take pride in and lean on such for a sense of dignity. However, when we do fail, it can be a serious blow to our ego, dignity, and sense of well being, and remove all drive from within us to where  we may just feel like dying, or worse contemplate killing ourselves. Unfortunately, many have taken such a latter drastic measure and ended their lives. However, what is the answer to those who experience such sadness and depression? What would God want us to do, in such cases? Should we expect a life of roses, and bliss each day of our lives, with most of our desires coming to fruition, and nothing less? We are living in a world where we basically have two choices; to strive to be successful, or suffer greatly, in pain and agony. So to the unsuccessful man, he not only fails himself, and perhaps his family, but others who have been to any degree inspired by his efforts to succeed. So how should we approach this mystery called life with all of its misgivings it has to offer us?

The Meaning of Birthday!!

                  There are few days in a person’s yearly life that is more important than their birthday. The birthday is a celebration of when a person came into the world and the contributions that person has made and will continue to make. While the contributions do not have to be as grand as running a country or finding the cure for a devastating illness, people do like to beremembered, most especially on their birthday, for anything that they take pride in doing or place value on. The birthday is not only a celebration of a person’s contributions to the world but it is a celebration of who that person is. It is an opportunity to express what a terrific friend, spouse, sibling, or child the birthday person is. A birthday is a chance to say to the birthday person that life would not be the same without that person’s smile, laugh, love, or support.

             The gesture of wishing someone Happy birthday does not have to a grand, extreme gesture. A birthday truly is a day where the thought does count. While flowers, candy, and gifts will be appreciated, a person really wants to know that they are loved and remembered. A phone call to say happy birthday can make a person feel just as special as an elaborate dinner.If a birthday is forgotten, wish the birthday person a Happy birthday as soon as possible. Even if their birthday was forgotten, they will feel better knowing that you still remembered. As for gifts, any gift for a belated birthday will be appreciated with the same thankfulness that a gift received on their birthday does. No one is perfect and everyone forgets from time to time, but whatever you do-do not ignore it. 

             There are certain ages that people feel the birthdays are more special than other birthdays. This will vary from person to person and really has no rhyme or reason. For the special birthday sometimes a large birthday party is thrown to celebrate it or sometimes the person just wishes do something out of the ordinary so they do not feel their life is passing by. Depending on the level of adventure in the person the out of ordinary thing could range from taking a trip to skydiving.While some people hate their birthday or dread a certain age, birthdays should be viewed as a glorious time. Age is only a number and does not mean one cannot have adventures. It is amazing to hear about people in their 70s and 80s who still do incredible things like hike a mountain or even just live alone. These people did not let age affect them. To them their birthday, while it meant they were another year old did not affect them. Age is just a number to them and as long as their body can hold up, they will live their life as an adventure. As long as, one can dream it, one can do it and what better time to dream on a birthday.